Friday, 11 July 2014

More framing and windows

It's beginning to feel a lot like Christmas. Toys in every store. But the prettiest sight to see, is the holly that will be, on your own..... front..... door.
Great, now I've got that song stuck in my head. At this rate, we could actually be in the house before Christmas. Our SS has unofficially said that time frame is likely but we won't know for a few more months. I mentioned to him today that I was impressed how quickly things were happening, before he cut me off and said "Don't get too excited." Haha, fair enough.

The frames have been going up all week and are nearly complete. Most of the windows and stacker/sliding doors have also been installed. To my relief the steel support posts for the massive beam at the back of the house have been installed - I don't need to lose sleep worrying about it falling down any longer! (Yes, I stress and stress over things constantly!)

We got home with a little daylight left and were able to take a walk around and see the upstairs layout for the first time. As the frames, floor and windows start to form rooms we are getting a feel for the size of the house (the display is only 40sq and has a lower ceiling downstairs).

The front of the house has been bulked up with more framing, most of the roof trusses are up, some windows installed and the makings of the balcony have appeared:

One of the steel support posts holding the beam up:

From the back

From the kitchen looking towards living/dining:


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