Friday 16 January 2015

That moment when...

That moment when you close the front door of your house and instantly realise you locked your car keys inside. That moment is extremely embarrassing. Especially when you have no way of getting back inside to your nearly complete new house that you shouldn't have been in anyway.

Yesterday, mrskidsbuggingme and I went to check out our house after the plumbers had been there during the day. We always do this to make sure that the house is secure. I noticed a window had been left open so climbed in to close it and make sure the rest of the house was also secure. All other doors/windows were good. Great, job done.

As I closed the front door I remembered my keys were on the kitchen bench.... doh! I haven't sworn that much in a long time. I'm pretty sure my kids picked up a few new words over the following few minutes.

mrskidsbuggingme called our site supervisor to see if he could help, and amazingly, he drove around at 6:30pm to get my keys out. I felt sooooooo tiny at that point. Over the past few weeks I've worked out he's a genuinely nice guy - I'm very grateful that he went quite a long way out of his way to help us.

I'm not sure there's a moral to the story other than, be nice to people.... and always, always make sure you have your stuff before you lock the door.

We're definitely getting our keys on the 21st. Pics to come. Can't wait!

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